Film & Books
Justin Skeesuck and Patrick Gray are bestselling authors and subjects of an award-winning film who inspire audiences around the globe with words of authenticity and humor.

I'll Push You: A Camino Journey of 500 Miles, Two Best Friends, and One Wheelchair
Born a little over 36 hours apart, Justin Skeesuck and Patrick Gray are blessed with a lifelong friendship. Their lives have been intertwined for over 45 years and have brought them many adventures. Justin, who lives life with a progressive neuromuscular disease and manages life from a power wheelchair, had the urge to tackle the historical pilgrimage, the Camino de Santiago across northern Spain. When asked what he thought about the 500-mile journey, Patrick responded, “I’ll push you!”
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I'll Push You: A Journey of 500 Miles, Two Best Friends, and One Wheelchair
"Justin and Patrick's story brought tears to my eyes! Very moving that kind of Christlike brotherly love!" – Tony Robbins
I’ll Push You is the real-life story of this incredible journey. A travel adventure full of love, humor, and spiritual truth; it exemplifies what every friendship is meant to be and shows what it means to never find yourself alone. You’ll discover how love and faith can push past all limitsā€•and make us the best versions of ourselves.
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Imprints: The Evidence Our Lives Leave Behind
Changing the world does not always require grand gestures or an audience of millions. The little things we do often have the most significant impact on those we encounter. Each small choice we make can spread joy or pain, light or darkness, to others. Examining our influence on the lives we encounter through a lens of love and compassion, Imprints explores the long-lasting impact our words and actions have on our world, reminding us that the legacy we leave behind is built on who we are and how we live our lives day-to-day.
With the release of Imprints, we are proud to have partnered with Compassion International to help children and families worldwide!
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The Push: A Story of Friendship
When Marcus moved next door to John, they knew instantly they’d be friends. Now John and Marcus do almost everything together. They go on many adventures, with Marcus pushing John’s wheelchair and John fueling their escapades with jokes. Through their friendship, the boys discover that their unique gifts make them stronger together.
Based on the friendship of real-life best friends Patrick Gray and Justin Skeesuck, The Push teaches kids that people of all abilities have important roles to play and that together we’re better than we are on our own.
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